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Leafcutter Lycans are cunning and deceptive predators that resemble large, leaf-covered canines with pointed snouts and sweeping tails. However, this appearance is a carefully constructed ruse. In truth, they are highly intelligent slime creatures, their bodies composed of the same corrosive tree sap that defines their forest home. During the day, these creatures hide within hollowed tree trunks, emerging only when it's time to hunt. To blend in, the Leafcutter Lycan swiftly gathers foliage and reshapes its gelatinous form to mimic a fearsome canine, using the leaves as camouflage to mask its true slimy nature.

Their ability to disguise themselves is short-lived, as the acidic sap that makes up their bodies gradually eats away at the leaves they use for cover. While the forest’s foliage is more resistant to the sap, it’s only a temporary defense, forcing the Lycan to hunt quickly. When lying in wait, they can also flatten their bodies, easily blending into the forest floor like a simple pile of leaves. Once unsuspecting prey approaches, the Lycan shifts into its canine form, lunging for the kill. Some speculate that these creatures adopt the canine guise not only to confuse prey, but also to ward off rivals by appearing larger and more dangerous than they truly are.

This CR4 creature is called a Leafcutter Lycan and is an Ooze that lives mostly within the Sap Scorched Forest.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: lucywolf05