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Lantern Labs began as ordinary canines until the clerics of Drinera infused their pets with the goddess's divine light. Since then, these radiant companions have become beloved by clerics of Drinera, accompanying them on their journeys to spread light in dark places. Their devotion isn't limited to the faithful; miners and others working in dimly lit environments frequently employ Lantern Labs for their unique glow.

A Lantern Lab's ears emit a soft, constant glow that intensifies when they are excited or on alert. Their most distinctive feature, however, is the prismatic glass that forms the back half of their bodies, refracting light in brilliant colors to either blind enemies or refract light away from those they are loyal to. This glass also works as a sort of solar panels, absorbing light to both give the labs energy as well as charge up their light based magic. Which means Lantern labs can only go so long without  being exposed to natural light before they get sluggish and unable to use any of their magical light emitting properties.

This CR1/4 creature is called a Lantern Lab and is a Celestial that lives mostly within the Luminarium.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: vdemondisgused