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In the sun-kissed savanna grasslands of Galton, a mischievous and bothersome creature known as the "Itchy Imp" lurks, concealed amidst the ordinary bushes. At first glance, its small body seems nothing more than unassuming foliage, camouflaged to perfection. However, when an unsuspecting victim draws near, the tranquil facade is swiftly shattered as two clawed legs burst forth from under the deceptive exterior. This peculiar fiend possesses a unique defense mechanism to assert its annoyance. The foliage growing from its body secretes an irritating oil that, upon contact with the skin, triggers a vexing allergic reaction, causing a persistent red and itchy rash. The Itchy Imp uses this tactic after leaping upon an individual, rubbing them with its leaves, only to vanish swiftly into the grasslands. Its sole purpose appears to be the infection of its victims, but the true intent behind these mysterious actions remains shrouded in uncertainty. Thankfully, the Itchy Imp poses no genuine threat to the safety of those it encounters, as its intentions seem rooted in mischief rather than malevolence. Yet, its presence can be an irksome disturbance to those exploring the savanna, earning it the reputation of an irritating nuisance.

This CR1/8 creature is called an Itchy Imp and is a Fiend that lives mostly within the Savanna Grassland.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: Lucid_Lucis