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Step into the magical forests of the Fey realm and behold the fascinating Hoot Leaf, a creature like no other. Resembling a bird of prey with its feather-like leaves, this adorable creature can blend perfectly into foliage, remaining hidden and undetected as long as it remains still. As nature spirits, Hoot Leaves are not naturally created but are instead reflections or shadows of real trees, giving them unique sizes and colors depending on their source. Their unique diet consists entirely of fruit, including those that have the peculiar ability to move. These elusive creatures are known for their stealthy hunting tactics, patiently stalking their fruit prey with remarkable skill and agility.Encountering a Hoot Leaf is a rare and auspicious event, as they rarely show themselves to other creatures. According to legend, only those with a deep love and appreciation for nature can spot these elusive creatures. So if you're lucky enough to see or befriend a Hoot Leaf, it's a sign that nature is smiling upon you.

This CR1/8 creature is called a Hoot Leaf and is a Fey that lives mostly within the Magical Forest.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: nightofmanystars