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In the frosty realms of Tardrix, the Hook Beak reigns as a distinctive aquatic avian species, perfectly adapted to the glacial expanse that they call home. Upright and resolute, they traverse their icy domain on a pair of webbed feet, their presence defined by a long neck culminating in the striking hook-shaped beak that gives them their name. Clad in a dense layer of waterproof feathers, the Hook Beak defies the biting cold, ensuring warmth amidst the freezing landscapes. Mastering the art of both land and sea, these creatures showcase exceptional swimming prowess with their streamlined bodies. However, on solid ground, their movements become a deliberate waddle, or a whimsical slide along the ice on their bellies.Adept hunters, they employ their formidable hooked beaks to carve holes into the ice, creating openings large enough for their heads to plunge into the frigid waters below. Patient and stealthy, they linger for hours, relying on bioluminescent growths adorning their heads to attract unsuspecting fish. Submerged for extended periods, their breathing hole strategically located on their backs remains above the waterline, allowing them to await their aquatic prey without interruption. Wings, though incapable of flight, prove indispensable for aquatic navigation. The singular sharp claw at the tip of each wing serves dual purposes—assisting in swimming and providing stability on icy surfaces. Forming vast colonies along the coastal expanses of Tardrix, Hook Beaks gather in numbers that can reach into the thousands.

This CR0 creature is called a Hook Beak and is a Beast that lives mostly within the Frozen Tundra.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips