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Harrow Horrors are formidable constructs that dwell beneath the Sea of Glass, born from superheated glass ,electrical energy and raw arcane power. These massive, segmented arthropods possess enormous, antler-like mandibles that can superheat, allowing them to effortlessly burrow through the sand and the hardened glass layer above it. Their primary sustenance is derived from magical ores infused with arcane energy, which they tirelessly seek out beneath the surface. Without consuming enough arcane energy, the enchantments that animate them would dissipate, leaving them as lifeless statues.

Harrow Horrors are highly territorial and aggressive, attacking any intruders who venture too close, including members of their own species. Their crystalline hides provide formidable natural armor, and their sharp mandibles can slice through most materials with ease. Despite their fearsome nature, the tunnels they create are often used by locals as roadways or shelters, provided the tunnels are verified to be unoccupied. Encountering a Harrow Horror is a perilous experience, as their combination of brute strength, sharp mandibles, and magical resilience makes them a dangerous threat in their subterranean domain.

This CR10 creature is called a Harrow Horror and is a Construct that lives mostly within the Sea of Glass.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: captainrail88/bubbaking3