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The Gragglejack is a magnificent giant beetle that calls the grass forest of Veliko its home. This colossal herbivore is slow-moving and heavily armored, weighing in at an astounding one ton. Despite its massive size, the Gragglejack maneuvers through the dense grass stalk forest with ease, thanks to its long, narrow, flattened rostrum that resembles a saw. This incredible nose extension is lined with sharp transverse teeth that allow the Gragglejack to cut down vegetation with a simple swaying motion while walking. The Gragglejack's unique rostrum not only serves as a tool for harvesting food but also allows the beetle to understand its surroundings better. With poor eyesight, this remarkable adaptation helps the Gragglejack navigate through its environment with ease. However, one must exercise caution when near a Gragglejack as these gentle giants can unintentionally harm a potential predator that startles them. Despite their intimidating size, Gragglejacks are commonly used as pack animals by the native insectoid race of Saymora. These intelligent creatures utilize the strength of these magnificent beetles to carry heavy equipment or work in the fields. The Gragglejack's gentle nature and incredible strength make them a valuable asset to the Saymora and a wonder of the grass forest of Veliko.

This CR2 creature is called a Gragglejack and is a Beast that lives mostly within the Grass Forest.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: hadnerfaln