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Glimmerbats are small mammals with large ears, soft fur, and leathery wings that glow an array of colors. These nocturnal creatures soar through the night skies, using their glowing patterns to communicate with their colony. Highly social, they roost in tall towers and cliffs, clinging to surfaces with their prehensile tails, which end in hand-like grips. At dusk, Glimmerbats emerge to feed on insects like Slithers, their radiant wings illuminating the evening sky. Unlike their relatives, the Angluna, the Glimmerbats' bioluminescence is a direct result of their Slither-based diet, as younger individuals who haven’t yet fed on Slithers display no such glow.

This CR0 creature is called a Glimmerbat and is a Beast that lives mostly within the Sky Castle.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: bubbaking3