Frugles are small, bipedal, canine-like creatures standing just over a foot tall, commonly found scurrying through the shadowy alleyways of subterranean cities. These nimble beings live in tight-knit tribes, displaying surprising intelligence through their ability to craft rudimentary tools and establish basic societal structures. Adapted to their dim surroundings, Frugles possess large, sensitive ears adorned with whisker-like sensors that enhance both their hearing and tactile awareness, making them exceptionally attuned to their environment.
Naturally skittish, Frugles are quick to flee at the first sign of danger, a behavior that paradoxically makes them invaluable as living alarm systems. If a Frugle tribe suddenly vanishes from its usual haunt, it’s often a harbinger of lurking peril. Despite their utility, Frugles are frequently regarded as pests by city-dwellers, as their penchant for scavenging and raiding trash bins can create chaos. However, more pragmatic individuals see the potential in these harmless creatures, forming mutually beneficial bonds with them. By befriending a Frugle, a person gains a watchful and resourceful companion, while the Frugle enjoys the protection of a reliable guardian. Together, they navigate the dangers of the Gloom, proving that even the smallest creatures can have a big impact.
This CR1/8 creature is called a Frugles and is a Monstrosity that lives mostly within the Underground City.