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Natives to high-altitude habitats, Fruffs are adept climbers, scaling sheer cliffs with their expert hooves. Their thick, woolly fur protects them from the biting winds and cold snow, allowing them to thrive in harsh environments. Living in packs, known as floofs, consisting of up to 10 individuals, Fruffs adhere to a strict social hierarchy, with the eldest member reigning at the top. Characterized by their large spiral horns, Fruffs employ these formidable weapons both for defense and to assert dominance within their pack. The ritualistic sparring between pack members serves to establish and reinforce their social structure. However, the most remarkable aspect of Fruffs is their unique ability to reproduce through their own fur. Once shed, the fur possesses a latent magical essence that triggers its transformation into a genetically identical offspring, a baby Fruff. This remarkable adaptation serves not only as a means of reproduction but also as a clever defense mechanism. In perilous situations, Fruffs can hastily shed their fur, imbuing it with enough magic to animate it into a miniature copy of themselves. While predators are distracted by the decoy, the main Fruff can make a swift escape, ensuring the survival of the pack.

This CR1/4 creature is called a Fruff and is a Beast that lives mostly within the Mountains.

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