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Froststriders are arachnids cloaked in fuzzy wool, their spindly legs terminating in puffy feet pads that dance like delicate snowflakes upon the ice. A few feet in length, they transform into mystical tumbleweeds during high winds, gracefully drifting in clusters around the frozen lake.

Despite their docile and skittish nature, Froststriders harbor a concealed danger within their delicate forms. Their venom, laced with crystalline ice, poses a formidable threat. Upon envenomation, it not only compromises the victim's immune system but also induces a rapid drop in body temperature. In this frigid expanse, the consequences are dire, as the chilling effects can swiftly lead to hypothermia.

While Froststriders shy away from larger creatures, their dexterity on the icy surface makes them adept hunters of small rodents. Their spindly legs traverse the frozen landscape with grace, enabling them to navigate the treacherous terrain in pursuit of prey.

When threatened, the Froststrider unveils a remarkable defense mechanism. Releasing a parachute of silky webbing, they transform into agile aviators, propelled away from danger with surprising speed. This remarkable escape tactic relies on the fortuitous assistance of strong winds, carrying them to safety as they gracefully soar over the icy expanse.

This CR1/4 creature is called a Froststriders and is a Beast that lives mostly within the Frozen lake.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: bellthecat