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The original form over function, the Filigree is as beautiful as it is fragile. A prototype for the very first construct, the goddess Caminesa took her most beautiful materials and got to work. Crafting the wings out of gold and glass with a body of gemstones. Beautiful as they are, the materials cause it to be too heavy for its size, making normal flight impossible. So to solve this it utilizes magnetic fields to keep itself afloat and keep its body together. Despite its flaws Caminesa considered it a true masterpiece and it quickly became one of her favorite creations. While it's entirely complete, Caminesa keeps it in the gods pocket dimension known as The Farm, fearing for its delicacy on the Material World.

This CR0 creature is called a Filigree Flutterer and is a Construct that lives mostly within the Pocket Dimension.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: Angry Meatball