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Elasm's are large, aquatic herbivores native to the Singing Glade Swamp. These peaceful giants are known for their thick, blubbery skin, two sets of flippers, and large finned tails. They also possess a unique set of back legs with three clawed toes, allowing them to stand on their hind legs for short periods.

Their primary mode of movement involves paddling with their front flippers while using their back feet to push off the swamp floor. The most striking feature of the Elasm is their armored keratin facial structure, which serves multiple purposes. Males use it as a mating display, with females preferring males with larger facial structures. Additionally, it functions as a defense mechanism against predators and acts as a shovel to move swamp debris while they search for vegetation.

Elasm's are known for their role in shaping the swamp's waterways. Their feeding and movement patterns disrupt existing water trails and create new ones, constantly altering the swamp's landscape. Despite their size, they are peaceful and slow-moving, often providing a resting or traveling spot for smaller swamp denizens on their broad backs.

This CR1 creature is called an Elasm and is a Beast that lives mostly within the Swamp.

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