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In a world where love is often fleeting and elusive, there exists a magical creature that is solely devoted to spreading its essence far and wide. Meet the Doting Dove, a tiny Fey that serves the goddess of love and knows no bounds when it comes to connecting people with their true soulmates. With its glowing pink cavern in the center of its chest, this avian creature can sense emotions like no other, and it is drawn to those who exude love in all its forms.When the Doting Dove perches on your head, you can feel its warm heart against your scalp, and you know that it has found something special in your heart. With no eyes to see, the dove relies solely on its empathetic nature to navigate the world, and it is a true master of this art. It can sense the deepest desires of your heart, and it can read your thoughts and memories with ease.But what is the catch? As sweet as the Doting Dove's mission may be, it is not without its consequences. The bird literally feeds off of your memories and feelings, and sometimes it can leave you feeling a little empty inside. It is a small price to pay for the magical experience of having the Dove deliver a love letter to your soulmate, but it is one that some may find too steep.The evidence of the Doting Dove's visit is unmistakable. You will find flower petals on your head, and a mysterious love letter will appear in your pocket. You may not remember everything that happened while the Dove was with you, but you will know that your heart is full of love, and that someone out there is thinking of you. In a world that often feels cold and uncaring, the Doting Dove is a welcome reminder that love is real, and that it can be found in the most unexpected places.

This CR1/8 creature is called a Doting Dove and is a Fey that lives mostly within the Urban.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: Hans Heinerich