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In the beginning, when the Valley Of Four Seasons formed, the accumulation of magic birthed a creature that embodies its very essence. The Darwin Deer is an elemental creature with a slender four legged form, long neck, and a sweeping tail. Unlike many of the creatures here who are bound to stay within the divided seasonal realms, the Darwin Deer knows no such limitations. Their forms shift to harmonize with each new seasonal sanctuary, attuning to the rhythms of nature itself. They cross the enchanted boundaries in large herds, moving seamlessly between the different seasonal realms. To the valley's denizens, these magnificent creatures are more than mere fauna; they are revered as sacred emissaries, vessels of the Valley's life force. To harm a Darwin Deer is to transgress against the very soul of the valley, a sacrilege that resonates through every leaf, stone, and stream. The fortunes of these Deer echo the health of the valley. Their flourishing numbers signal vitality, while any decline serves as a stark omen that the valley's delicate balance is in peril. They are a living symbol of the tapestry of life and magic, an avatar of the valley itself.

This CR4 creature is called a Darwin Deer and is an Elemental that lives mostly within the Valley of the four seasons.

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