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Dartstars are colossal echinoderms, boasting five imposing arms and measuring between 15 to 30 feet across, making them the undisputed apex predators of the coral jungles. Born scarcely larger than a hand, these creatures possess an extraordinary ability to grow continuously throughout their lifespan, with older individuals reaching truly colossal proportions.

These behemoths spend much of their time motionless, coiled around the trunks of coral trees near the water's edge. Their outer backs mimic the texture and coloration of the surrounding corals and rocks, rendering them virtually indistinguishable from their environment when at rest. This masterful camouflage allows them to lie in wait, patiently stalking their prey until an unsuspecting victim ventures within striking range.

When the moment is right, the Dartstar unleashes its lightning-quick barbed tongue, a formidable weapon capable of striking with deadly accuracy. The tongue, often extending the length of the creature's entire body, is covered in sharp, piercing barbs that ensnare and immobilize prey before swiftly dragging them into the Dartstar's gaping maw. Beneath its massive frame lies a mouth adorned with multiple rows of grinding teeth, ready to pulverize its captured meal with ruthless efficiency.

Despite their sluggish movements, Dartstars are formidable hunters, relying on stealth, camouflage, and lightning-fast strikes to secure their place at the top of the coral jungle food chain.

This CR9 creature is called a Dartstar and is a Monstrosity that lives mostly within the Coral Jungle.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: valixeon