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Crop Crawlers are small, predatory arthropods approximately 7 inches in length, found in the crop fields of Veargreum. These creatures play a vital role in protecting crops from harmful insects. While mostly harmless to humanoids, their chitin adapts to the color and texture of the crops they inhabit, providing them with effective camouflage for stalking prey and evading larger predators. Hanging upside down on plant stalks with their prehensile tails, Crop Crawlers blend seamlessly with the vegetation, making them difficult to spot.

Their legs are equipped with spurs that allow them to climb stalks and vines effortlessly, and their front claws are adept at ripping apart insect prey after paralyzing them with their toxin. Occasionally, farmers may experience a bite, but the toxin only causes temporary numbness in humanoids. With their natural camouflage and predatory efficiency, Crop Crawlers are indispensable guardians of the fields, ensuring the health and prosperity of the crops they protect.

This CR1/8 creature is called a Crop Crawler and is a Beast that lives mostly within the Farms.

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Made by: Lucid_Lucis