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Clots, endearing and blob-like creatures, possess a charming countenance reminiscent of a jack-o'-lantern's face. They are equipped with long, sinuous arms that they deftly attach to the surrounding environment. Scattered throughout the innards, Clots serve as a unique repair system, tirelessly working to maintain the integrity of their home. When a breach or tear in Visceras' walls appears, these amorphous creatures gather together, fusing as one with the structure, sacrificing themselves to effect repairs. While Clots lack an apparent drive or purpose beyond their role as custodians of their dwelling, their existence is intrinsically tied to the remnants of Visceras' fading magic. As if the dying god's immune system persists in an eternal attempt to heal even in death, Clots are born from the lingering essence, channeling the last vestiges of their divine origin. Despite their serene nature, it is important to exercise caution when handling these adorable slimes. Clots possess a hidden defense mechanism—an acidic mucus secreted from their bodies. Contact with this corrosive substance can result in painful burns, serving as a potent deterrent against careless interactions. Approach with care and appreciation for their delicate nature.

This CR1/4 creature is called a Clot and is an Ooze that lives mostly within the Innards.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: bellthecat