Within the crystal cave’s waters glides the exquisite Carat Carp. These graceful creatures swim with a series of multiple fins and a sinuous, flowing tail. Their fins possess a semi-transparency that, at times, creates the illusion of their finless presence. Two facial whiskers, sharp as glass, serve both as defense and in disputes with fellow Carat Carp over mates or territory. A robust, avian beak enables them to crush and consume the crystalline seeds that gently fall from the cave ceiling into their aquatic domain. Among their most formidable defenses lies their vivid coloring, mirroring the gemstones that compose the cave floor. This chromatic camouflage renders them nearly invisible to predators, even while in motion. These fish hold a coveted status for their extrordinary ability to promote longevity. They emit an inexplicable magic that not only extends their own lives but also the lives of those who form a bond with them. The origins of this mystical trait remain a mystery, with the eldest Carat Carp speculated to be as ancient as the very caverns they call home.
This CR0 creature is called a Carat Carp and is a Beast that lives mostly within the Crystal Caves.