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In the early days of life on Crius, the lands and seas were mostly barren as the gods were still workshopping their creations. However, one of the few organisms cleared to flourish in this empty world was fungi. This led to vast amounts of diversity and evolution until the Cap Horrors were born as the first sentient but primitive race. Developing stone age level technology like stone clubs and spears, the Cap Horrors often fought brutal battles between rival clans. They also crafted simple footwear to prevent the roots on their feet from growing to vast and anchoring themselves to the ground. With no written or spoken language, the Horrors communicate by exhaling colorful spores that have different meanings. As the Fungi age the protective scales or skin on their body begin to gradually crack and tear until it becomes uncomfortable. When that happens the Horror must remove their Cap and thus shed the torn scales in the process. They then must plant the old Cap so it will grow into a new Cap horror while they go out in search of a new Cap for themselves. This time is especially vulnerable for the Horrors as removing their cap releases pent up air causing a high pitch almost screaming sound to be heard which can attract predators or rival tribes to their position. Being scavengers feasting soley on dead meat, the Cap Horrors have no need to hunt, but be warned anyone can become carrion.

This CR1/2 creature is called a Cap Horror and is a Plant that lives mostly within the Fungal Forest.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: JJist