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In the depths of the Nimbus Sea dwells a large mollusk that thrives as a mysterious, herd-dwelling giant amidst the pitch-black expanse below. Using its bioluminescence the creature lures unsuspecting prey from the cloud layer above, catching them within its gelatinous embrace where digestion takes its course. Yet, the bioluminescent radiance serves a dual role, the mollusk creates a mesmerizing display of ever-shifting colors that bewilders would-be predators. The mollusk's armor, a shell composed of resilient calcium carbonate further adds to its defense. The Caeloris mollusk flourishes amid the depths of the Nimbus Sea. The densely-packed cloud layer that envelops its habitat provides both the vital pressure and hydration necessary for its gelatinous vitality. Within its form resides a solitary, oversized pearl-like eye, an organ uniquely equipped to swivel in any direction, vigilantly scanning its surroundings for potential threats.

This CR2 creature is called a Caeloris and is an Ooze that lives mostly within the Nimbus Sea.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips