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Cadence Cobras are both mesmerizing and lethal serpents that dwell within the enchanting Musical Wilds. These arboreal predators spend most of their time coiled around high branches, their prehensile tails anchoring them as they hang upside down in a display of grace and menace. This posture is not just for show—it’s a core part of their hunting strategy. Hidden among the canopy, they wait patiently for unsuspecting prey to wander beneath, striking with lightning speed to deliver their venomous bite.

Their venom is as insidious as it is unique, targeting the victim’s heart and disrupting its rhythm, leading to irregular beats and eventual heart failure. For prey too cautious to venture near, the Cadence Cobra has another deadly trick: its tail, which contains hollow chambers that rattle like maracas. This hypnotic sound lures victims closer, ensnaring them with its charm before the strike.

When it comes to courtship, the Cadence Cobra’s artistry shines. Males perform a unique display, contorting their sinuous bodies into the shapes of musical notes carried on the wind. This intricate dance is not only a testament to their dexterity but also a reflection of their ability to harmonize with the magical melodies of the Wilds. Those who replicate the notes most faithfully are deemed the most desirable by potential mates, ensuring that beauty and precision are passed down through generations.

The combination of their striking patterns, hypnotic movements, and lethal abilities make the Cadence Cobra a true marvel of the Musical Wilds ecosystem, as captivating as it is perilous.

This CR1/2 creature is called a Cadence Cobra and is a Beast that lives mostly within the Musical Wilds.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: Sara92517