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Beaconites are the transformed souls of mortals who, upon their death, pledged themselves to Drinera, the goddess of light. Released from their mortal forms, they become beings of pure light, appearing as radiant orbs adorned with multiple small, angelic wings and three eyes. Their ethereal presence seeks out the lost and frightened, guiding them to safety or illuminating their path through darkness.

As servants of the goddess of light, Beaconites wield powerful magic. They can restore sight to the blind and traverse any realm where light exists. This capability allows them to travel great distances and even enter other planes, except for the Gloom, the sacred domain of Tenebre, the god of darkness. Here, light is forbidden, and to trespass would provoke the wrath of Tenebre’s followers.

This CR2 creature is called a Beaconite and is a Celestial that lives mostly within the Luminarium.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: Jrein01