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Battery Rams are small, woolly herbivores that live in large, close-knit colonies. Their thick, curling fur is especially dense around their chest and forms a fluffy tail that trails behind them. Atop their heads are powerful, curved horns, which, combined with their strong hind legs, enable them to launch themselves at predators in defense. During mating season, males engage in fierce horn-clashing battles to prove their strength. If their horns fail to deter threats, Battery Rams have a unique ability—they drag their fur across the ground, building up an electrical charge. This charge can deliver a powerful shock to attackers and causes their fur to bristle into sharp, intimidating points. While these creatures thrive in meadows where they burrow, they also have a peculiar fondness for taking up residence in abandoned structures, making them a common sight in ruins.

This CR1/4 creature is called a Battery Ram and is a Beast that lives mostly within the Ruins.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: Inari_IX