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Banisher Bassets are proud and noble guardians of the Drift, often serving as guard dogs of its ancient courts. Their droopy hound-like ears, resembling delicate fairy wings, make them a striking and paradoxical blend of charm and authority. Though they are deeply loyal and devoted to their masters—usually the fey who raised and nurtured them—they often carry an air of melancholy, as if their origins are somehow apart from the rest of feykind.

The Banisher Basset’s greatest strength lies in its remarkable nose, which acts as a beacon of truth and clarity. With it, they can dispel illusions, unveil disguises, and even cast Zone of Truth with the aid of their handler. This ability makes them invaluable in uncovering deception and maintaining order within fey domains.

However, their most formidable power comes at a cost. By sacrificing half of their vitality and entering a deep, restorative slumber, a Banisher Basset can invoke Banishment, expelling any intruder they deem an invader. This ability has made them irreplaceable defenders of fey courts, capable of saving their masters and homes from great threats at great personal risk.

Adding to their mystique is the singular metal paw pad adorning one of their front legs. This feature, an anomaly in the otherwise iron-averse Drift, allows them to pin down unruly or thieving fey. The iron causes searing pain, keeping captives immobilized until the Basset—or their master—decides their fate.

Despite their critical role in fey society, Banisher Bassets often feel like outsiders, as though they were not born of the Drift’s natural magic but crafted for a specific, mysterious purpose. Their sense of duty and isolation has made them both revered and pitied by other fey, but their unwavering loyalty to their masters is beyond question. Few can match the Banisher Basset’s dedication, and fewer still would dare to challenge it.

This CR3 creature is called a Banisher Basset and is an Aberration that lives mostly within The Drift.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: vdemondisgused