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High up in canyon crevices there lives a sophisticated predator born from magic instead of nature. When hunting the Angler Rat lowers it’s special proboscious into the canyon below in search of a meal. This tool allows the rodent to infiltrate the minds of its prey and create illusions of what their prey loves most. These illusions are merely tools to draw the prey in close. Once in range the proboscious wraps around its victim and like a fishing line launches them upward towards the waiting jaws of the predator. The end of this creatures tail resembles a hook and is used to anchor them in place as to not get pulled off of their ledge when reeling in prey.

This CR1/8 creature is called an Angler Rat and is a Monstrosity that lives mostly within the Canyons.

Made by: Catchy Cantrips
Made by: soverytwisted